Obtaining NET certification through malicious code profiling technolog…
SANDS Lab obtains NET certification through malicious code profiling technology
Security company SandsLab announced on the 8th that its 'binary reverse engineering-based attacker profiling technology' has obtained 'NET certification (new technology certification)' from the National Agency for Technology and Standards (National Institute of Technology and Standards) under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. NET certification is a certification granted by the government to companies that have been developed for the first time in Korea or have led commercialization by innovating existing technologies.
The technology developed by Sands Lab is based on reverse engineering techniques. It is a structure that reversely traces the attack used in the malicious code to extract the original code, and learns it to artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the attack method. It is also possible to identify the progress of an attack by analyzing all tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) that are major considerations in response to hacking infringement. In other words, AI acts as a 'profiler' that analyzes and reconstructs crimes.
Sands Lab is known for its platform 'Malwares.com' that provides details of malware based on threat information data. As a subsidiary of Ksign, a security solution company, it is currently focusing on expanding AI-based security services. It is planning an IPO next year.
Ki-Hong Kim, CEO of Sands Lab, said, “Based on the profiling information, it is possible to identify an attacker group, so defenders can efficiently manage risks.” This made it possible to establish an active security system.”
Ki-Hong Kim, CEO of Sands Lab, said, “Based on the profiling information, it is possible to identify an attacker group, so defenders can efficiently manage risks.” This made it possible to establish an active security system.”