


The challenge of cyber threat intelligence global standard patent
sandslab 2023.04.20

SANDS Lab challenges cyber threat intelligence global standard patent

Sands Lab announced on the 20th that it will challenge to acquire a global standard patent in the field of cyber threat intelligence (CTI).

Sands Lab signed an 'agreement to develop a standard patent strategy for cyber threat intelligence' with Korea Patent Strategy Development Institute and Works on Value.

Standard patents or essential patents refer to patents for technologies that are globally recognized in the process of developing technologies and products required for specific industries.This agreement aims to secure core technology patents in the CTI field, and furthermore, to make it a global standard.

Previously, Sands Lab obtained a new technology certification (NET certification) as a technology that identifies cyberattack groups based on artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technology, analyzes the characteristics and information of attack techniques, and expresses the relationship.

Kihong Kim, CEO of Sands Lab, said, “If a technology standard patent is obtained in a certain field, the possibility that the technology will be adopted as a global standard is very high.” We can do this, and we will maintain cooperative relationships with standard technology development organizations and lead the field.” 

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