


Threat Profiling Area Cyber ​​Security AI Dataset Construction Complet…
sandslab 2023.04.25

Sands Lab, Korea Internet & Security Agency Threat Profiling Area Cyber ​​Security AI Dataset Construction Completed 

Sands Lab (CEO Kim Ki-hong) announced on the 25th that it had successfully completed the Korea Internet & Security Agency's cyber security artificial intelligence (AI) dataset (threat profiling field) construction project.

This project was ordered for the purpose of building more than 300 million AI datasets to track not only domestic targeted cyber threats, but also 130 attack groups and botnet families currently active worldwide, and to profile attack tactics. .

The project collects and analyzes various raw data related to about 130 attack groups to build a threat profiling dataset, processes it into a form that the AI ​​model can learn, builds the dataset, and builds a dataset. It also focused on a demonstration project that verifies effectiveness by applying it to security work. To do this, SandsLab established cooperation channels with global security companies through its own threat intelligence service, secured and processed raw data at a global level, and completed the construction and demonstration of AI datasets required by the business.

The AI ​​dataset built this time was built by securing threat information related to attack groups that are difficult to obtain at home and abroad based on Sands Lab's profiling technology, and built an artificial intelligence dataset. It is of great significance as a resource. In particular, SandsLab's NET (new technology) certification technology, artificial intelligence-based attack group tracking and attack technique profiling technology, was used to build this dataset to provide high-quality data.

SandsLab also announced the data set produced through this project and the technology used in it together with the Korea Internet & Security Agency at the Global Security Conference (AVAR 2022) held in Singapore in December last year.

Through this, SandsLab is demonstrating its capabilities to solidify its role as a leader in building AI datasets in the cybersecurity field, and AI technology goes beyond the problem of identifying malicious and normal, and provides a profile that can be used in various ways in the cybersecurity field. We are trying to expand the area with ring technology.

In addition, in the process of carrying out the project, an advisory group consisting of experts from industry, academia, and research institutes was operated, technology-policy advice and performance checks were conducted for the entire cycle of data set construction, and the quality of the data set was evaluated as progressing to a global level. .

"The cybersecurity AI dataset construction project will serve as a cornerstone for improving the competitiveness of the domestic cybersecurity industry, and is expected to make a great contribution to the development of advanced security technologies at the global level," said Sands Lab CEO Kim Ki-hong. “I hope that it will help expand the base of artificial intelligence-based cyber security technology to respond to real security threats by utilizing it in companies and companies.” 

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